Our Database Management

When an order is made the customer-information get store in our database. The database gets cleaned from time to time, but the information will remain in the book-keeping system for 7 years and at the payment-gateway for longer than that.

This is what we save when you make an order

Name, Last Name, Company name, Country, Street Address, Zip code, State/Province, Phone number, Email, IP-address


The payment gateway of inarush.eu is the Large Swedish Company Billmate AB.
You can find their privacy policy here: https://www.billmate.se/integritetspolicy/


If you visit our login page, we will set a temporary cookie to determine if your browser accepts cookies. This cookie contains no personal data and is discarded when you close your browser. If you pay for a subscription or a product, or if you are about to purchase hosting, a woocommerce cookie will be set. This cookie does not store any personal details about you either.

Most businesses store analytic cookies, we do not. We have no form of marketing related cookies on this website.

What rights you have over your data

You have all the rights of your data stored on this page. If you want to extract it or have it removed, contact us (but keep in mind that we need to verify your identity by meeting up in person if you want to be given sensitive information about yourself). However, if you have completed a purchase your data will be stored at the payment gateways involved, we have no power of those.